Inspiring families to build joyful, secure attachments with God and each other.
Dear Reader,
I love books! My mom nurtured a love for reading by taking me to the public library once a week, beginning when I was only six months old. She read picture books to me every day, at naptime and before bed, but I loved stories so much that even twice a day wasn’t enough.
So at age five, I taught myself to read with a story record of The Pig Who Lost His Oink. I played it over and over on my plastic record player, while I followed along with the book, turning the pages at the beep. After that I was always reading.
I still walk to the same library and check out piles of books for teaching kids to read, as well as research for the picture books I am writing. Sometimes I realize I have checked out so many books, I can’t possibly carry them all home, so I call my husband, John, to come rescue me. He always does!
I wrote and illustrated my first picture book, The Easter Story, when I was six. I was so proud of myself, because books were my favorite things in the world and I had created one for others to read. Even if it was just my mom and baby brother, I knew I had done something big and important.
As a teacher and now, as an author, I delight in encouraging children to fall in love with reading the way I did when I was young. I also love to hear from my readers. Do you have a favorite book? Tell me all about it on my Kids Page. I can’t wait!
With Love,
-Mary Anne Quinn
Meet Author and Speaker Mary Anne Quinn

A learning and reading specialist for almost thirty years, Mary Anne has been teaching children to understand and appreciate the unique ways God designed them to be learners. Whether through writing articles, devotions, and picture books or teaching workshops and visiting schools and homeschool groups, Mary Anne’s message is focused on enjoying an interactive and joyful relationship with the God who is always glad to be with us.
Her stories invite readers to explore the pictures of God’s love and care He has painted for us in His creation, while also building relationship skills and emotional capacity (including resilience, flexibility, and the ability to recover from upsetting emotions). Mary Anne inspires families to build secure attachments through the wonder of creation. Her books and resources will spark delight in kids of all ages.
Mary Anne and her husband, John, live north of Chicago, Illinois, twenty minutes from Lake Michigan. They are Mum and Dad to their “adopted” daughter, Claudine, a nurse in Rwanda. They enjoy biking and birding in the local forest preserves (Mary Anne photographs the wildflowers, while John identifies the birds), relaxing at the beach, listening to classical music, singing worship songs, and putting together jigsaw puzzles.